Friday 24 July 2009

Morning all,

We went to see the puppies again yesterday. My have they grown, but still very cute. We had a little cuddle of them all, and got a little distracted so no decent photos I am afraid. I think we have almost chosen our boy, there is however a slight problem. The dog in question has what looks like a black smudge on his nose, and without thinking we started calling him smudgy. So it looks like although the title of our blog is Domino our dog will be called Smudge. lol

Monday 20 July 2009

The Puppies

We have been waiting for a long time for our lives to have enough room for a border collie puppy.
Now two new jobs later, I think we are as ready as we will ever be.
After reading all we could and talking to so many people, we have found a lovely breeder that has some puppies.
And last Thursday we went along for the second visit to find that the puppies have their eyes open and are developing real personalities.
Its going to be a very difficult decision to pick one.
We then sat in on the puppy training class, with 4 10-11 week old border collies, I think I saw a glimpse of my future in a field carrying a tupperware box of cheese treats. lol
Anyway having read all my waffle you deserve a picture of the puppies

I am not even sure our future friend will be one of these, but they are lovely none the less.
We are hoping to pop in to see them again this Thursday, so will post more then.


We are preparing for a new furry member of the family, Domino the Border Collie!